How to Steam Milk Like A Pro

Given the fact that most of us enjoy milky coffee like lattés and flat whites, the final secret behind a great cup of coffee lie in steaming the milk correctly. Follow these steps to make sure you get it right:

  1. Use cold milk directly from the fridge as well as a cool jug
  2. Use the appropriate volume of milk for the amount of beverages being prepared. From a one litre jug you will make three cups of coffee. (china cups)
  3. Place steam wand over drip tray and purge steam to release water. Then lower the wand in the milk jug so it sits just below surface.
  4. Turn on steam to full power then lower the jug until the tip of the steam wand is just below the surface of the milk. You should hear a slight hissing sound. Make sure the tip is low enough so that the milk doesn’t splatter and high enough to create a fine-textured milk.
  5. Ensure that your steam wand is just off centre and a whirlpool should form. If it doesn’t, try tilting the jug in a 45-degree angle. The steam near the surface will create your fine-textured milk.
  6. As the milk expands, slowly move the jug down so the hissing sound remains. Repeat this until you have your desired amount of fine-textured milk.
  7. When you reached your desired amount of fine-textured milk, lower the stem wand down to heat the milk. Note, do not have the steam wand too far into the milk, just enough to stop the hissing noise.
  8. Turn your steam off when the milk temperature reaches 60 degrees Celsius and remove from steam wand. The temperature will continue to rise close to 70 degrees Celsius. This is the correct pouring temperature and at this temperature you receive maximum sweetness.
  9. Keep your milk rolling in the jug by hand, circulating the jug in slow steady small circles. This will keep the milk and fine-textured milk combined.
  10. If your milk and froth is combined together when it hits your espresso, you will have a combination of milk froth and espresso. This makes a beverage that is rich creamy and full of flavour.

Milk Steaming Tips:

  • Starting with a cold milk and cold jug essential
  • Do not re-heat steamed milk
  • Do not leave steamed milk standing for too long. You should pour immediately
  • Pour your Cappuccinos first then pour Cafe Lattes and Flat Whites to ensure you have enough foam
  • Do not leave fresh milk standing at room temperature
  • Do not try to create fine-textured milk once the temperature passes 40 degrees
  • Use the correct size jug for the amount of beverages